Better Ceilings Suggests Different Uses for Ceiling Tiles
Obviously ceiling tiles are used to beautify and renew your ceilings. Depending on your skills you may want to get more elaborate. We have seen some fabulous work done by homeowners (with help of friends and family). For example, the addition of faux columns and recessed ceilings with hidden lighting. We do not suggest that anyone just start making structural changes to a room. For those who feel confident of their skills, it is a great way to truly change the look of your home inexpensively. Electrical work should be done by qualified electricians. Be certain that any interior alterations will meet your local building codes of course. Within those safeguards, the only limit is your own imagination.
Ceiling tiles also have some not so obvious uses. Professional and amateur photographers appreciate the non reflective surfaces of ceiling tiles. They have found that they make excellent photographic backdrops. Read more about the uses of ceiling tiles for photo backdrops.
Home Theaters are everywhere today and sometimes the acoustics are not ideal. If your home theater is enclosed in a hard-surfaced enclosure, speaker vibration is sometimes a problem. The styrofoam ceiling tiles can be an easy fix. The “Small” packages of Styrofoam Ceiling Tiles sold as photographer’s backdrops have enough tiles for the job so you don’t need to order a full case. This will take care of acoustics and vibration problems for just about any home theater setup. They can be used to line shelves where speakers are mounted. Or cut them to fit the bases of floor speakers. Your own home theater setup would determine the placement of the ceiling tiles, so let your imagination go to work and hear better quality sound!
Fads in decorating can be fun. Remember shag rugs? They came back. Remember Popcorn ceilings? There are still some of those ugly ceilings out there. Wee have good news for anyone interested in doing something about that ugly, always-looks-dirty popcorn ceiling. If getting rid of a popcorn ceiling would make you happy, we want to show you how to get even happier. See how to avoid the mess and get a great look fast!
- Is is safe to remove my popcorn ceiling?
- What can you do with stains on a popcorn ceiling?
- Do I need to remove my popcorn ceiling or can a new ceiling be mounted over the top of it?
These are several common questions that you can find answers for in the article.
Restaurant Ceilings
Stores and offices have mundane ceiling problems compared to restaurants because of the ductwork found in so many restaurants. The idea is to to keep heat and cooking emissions from overwhelming the space, but they are ugly. Because restaurants are selling their ambiance along with the menu items, it is particularly important to look at ways to improve the ceilings for restaurants.
We’ll have more ideas here about extra ways to use ceiling tiles. If you have your own suggestions you would like to share, please let us know and we’ll be happy to share your innovations! Ceiling Tiles can show up in all kinds of creations. We have seen them used to create inexpensive picture frames that you would guess cost much more than they really did. The tiles and backsplash materials are available in flexible and rigid configurations that are very popular with crafters and the do-it-yourself crowd all around the world.