What You Should Know About Asbestos
Early in the 1900s builders began using asbestos in homes, offices and factories. It was a lightweight, durable and inexpensive insulating material and it was formed into many construction products. Asbestos went into floor tiles, pipe insulators, roofing, siding and attic insulation, ceiling tiles and ceiling coatings up until 1970. It was widely used in kitchen appliances such as ovens and toasters and even potholders. Millions of tons of asbestos were used in the US before science determined the health dangers it posed to everyone.
Tiny microscopic fibers could separate from building materials and easily be inhaled without notice and lodge in lung tissue. Years later it could cause lung disorders such as Mesothelioma or Asbestosis or Cancer. Asbestos products have not been sold or used for decades, but in older homes you want to be sure before you start remodeling. Any cutting or scraping or chipping away at ceiling tiles or ceiling coatings that may be sealed under many layers of paint could release the toxic material. If asbestos is present it should be safely removed by qualified professionals with the proper equipment.
Testing Your Home
Pro-Lab Asbestos Do It Yourself Test Kit
These and several other Home Test Kits are available from Amazon. The test kits include complete information on how to take a sample safely. The kits come with the packaging to send your material securely to a qualified laboratory for testing and evaluation. If your home was built before 1970, it is best to determine any serious health risks before beginning any ceiling work. The EPA offers a free booklet to homeowners who request a copy, Visit the EPA site for more information. Always better safe than sorry.